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Getting additional free help in finding 8th grade persuasive essay topics

If you are writing an 8th grade persuasive essay remember that a persuasive essay is much the same as any other essay in that your overall purpose is to argue. Your goal is to kindly and gently argue your point with convincing evidence so that the reader finishes the paper believing your argument or your side in an argument. If you are looking for a topic that excites you take a moment to review the options below. Remember that you can argue them as they are or you can take the opposing view and argue that:

  • The sale of cigarettes should be illegal
  • Dieting actually makes people fat
  • Romantic love should not be the basis for marriage
  • The war on terror has only made human rights abuses worse
  • High school graduates should be required to take a year off before they start college
  • Citizens should be legally mandated to vote
  • Government welfare should be eliminated
  • Parents should have equal responsibility when it comes to raising their child.
  • Team sport participation should be required in school in order to develop better character
  • People are too dependent upon technology
  • Censorship can be justified at times
  • Drunk drivers need to face higher punishment
  • Privacy should not be a protected right
  • Letter writing is a lost art that should be brought back
  • Government personnel should be allowed to strike
  • Military personnel should be allowed to protest
  • Study abroad programs are a waste of money and time because they only cultivate partying overseas
  • College athletes should not be required to attend regular class
  • Financial incentives should be given to high test scores for high school students
  • Universities should prepare students for work
  • There should be a national 55-MPH speed limit endorsed again
  • Higher taxes need to be imposed on junk food
  • Students should evaluate professors at the end of every semester
  • Zoos are unethical for animals and need to be terminated
  • Government aid for college students should be based on merit alone
  • Athletes who use steroids should be denied entry into the Hall of Fame
  • Citizens without any criminal record should be allowed to carry concealed guns
  • University students should be exempt from punishment for illegally downloading music and movies
