• essay writing tips
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  • essay tips

Important Tips to Use When Writing an Essay

If you want to write high quality essays, you will need to use the following tips:

  • Your language must be clear, formal, and easy to understand.

    Remember that not all of your readers know the subject. This means that you shouldn’t overuse professional terms and jargon. If you need to include a word like this, provide its definition.

  • Develop a topic sentence for every paragraph.

    Your essay must be concise and to the point. Every word should have a purpose. Incorporating topic sentences into every paragraph will help you stay focused and make the paper look more professional.

  • Do not be subjective or judgmental.

    You need to present your arguments in an impersonal manner to make the paper look objective. Even if you are truly passionate about the subject, you must keep the overall tone of the essay cool and inoffensive.

  • A topic per paragraph.

    Every paragraph should consist of one topic, one argument, and one major piece of evidence that supports your position. Do not try to add some minor topics into a paragraph that seems too short. This will make the paper look cluttered and will distort the overall structure of the essay.

  • Use transitory words/phrases (such as, however, for example, etc.).

    These elements will allow you to make one part of the paper transition into the next one smoothly. Your story should flow and be consistent.

    Think through the order of the body paragraphs carefully. You should start by presenting your strongest piece of evidence, and finish by tearing apart the arguments your opponents may use.

  • Write the introduction and conclusion after you finish working on the body of your essay.

    This way, you will know exactly what to include in these parts of the paper. You will need to work very hard on them, as both must make an impression.

    The introduction should catch the readers’ attentions and make them want to keep on reading.

    The conclusion needs to draw the final line under your research and solidify the readers’ beliefs in your arguments.

  • Always write an outline.

    Even if your teacher doesn’t ask you to hand in an outline, you should create one to make it easier to write the paper. A plan will help you keep all your ideas organized so that you won’t forget anything important.

  • Explain your arguments.

    This is very important. You must not only state your argument and offer evidence that supposedly proves it. You need to also explain to the readers what made you draw this conclusion in the first place, and why this particular piece of evidence should be interpreted in this way.
