• essay writing tips
  • essay samples
  • essay tips

Where To Look For Well Written Sample Essay Introductions

The first thing you need to do when you are looking for sample essay introduction is to make sure that you look for samples of the type of essay you are writing.  Each essay introduction is different depending on the essay you are writing.  You want to make sure you look for the samples that you need because if you choose the wrong ones than your introduction will be wrong as well.  Most essay writing sites have sample essay introductions on them so it won’t be hard to find them.  I’m going to give you sites where you can find sample essay introductions for every kind of essay that you might write.

Where To Find Sample Essay Introductions

  • Act Students:  Act Students is for a great resource for any student that needs to write an essay.  It gives you great samples and even helps you with other aspects of school.
  • Spark Notes: Spark Notes not only has great samples essay introductions but it also has many other resources that can help you.
  • Wiki How:  Wiki How is a great informative site on various subjects including how to write an introduction of your essay.  And the great thing about this site is that almost all of their articles on writing essays give you samples as well.  Doing a simple search of this site will give you some great examples for writing your essay introduction.
  • Birmingham City University:  If you visit the Birmingham City University library site, they will tell you how to write your essay introduction and they will have six samples that you can look at after you are doing reading.  Most college and university libraries have samples of essays online, here you can look through them and read the introductions to get ideas of how to do yours.

If you want to get the best samples introductions for your essay, you have to narrow them down by the type of essay.  There are many ways that you can start out an essay and using samples can give you ideas on how to start yours out.  When you are writing your introduction for your essay, you want to make sure that it grabs your reader’s attention and hold it until the end of the essay.  All great essay introductions have a good hook and using sample essay introductions will help you see how you can grab your reader’s attention.  
